CZ 455 Boyd's Pro Varmint Stock

455 Pro Varmint Stock & Trigger Guard-Black

Item: 1M1531Y-1G-203-19036-M  In Stock
  Manufacturer: DIP, inc
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Your Price: $338.97
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455 Pro Varmint Black textured stock. Based off the popular A5 this laminated wood stock comes with our one piece steel trigger guard(19036-M) in a matte blued finish to complement your 455 very nicely. 
Works with any caliber or barrel combination and your barreled action can usually be swapped into the stock in a couple of minutes.
  • Manufacturer: DIP, inc
  • Required Shipping Method: USPS Parcel Priority(3-5 Bus. Days)
  • Shipping Weight: 4.6 lbs
  • Dimensions: 35" x 7" x 3"
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